Double Pass on Perforation


Can anyone help please?

When cutting peforation lines I am getting double passes on certain ones for some reason. I thought there maybe a duplicate line but this doesnt seem to be the case. Pass count is set at 1 and all other lines cutting in one pass. If any one could help me out I’d appreciate it. Ive tried deleting the lines individually so as to check there are no hidden ones underneath(as I have been duplicating a few things during design), to no avail. Hopefully these screen shots come through as it may help. In general I’m new to lasers but have been getting on reasonably well. Ive got a laserpecker lx1 if that may help. Many thanks for any input. (Ive also tried closing everything down and restarting etc incase there was a glitch…somewhere). Cheers

i imported the file as dxf from coreldraw if that makes any difference? The green lines are only one layer of lines and everything else seems to be in order. Thanks

I found it. There is a double line but I cant seem to delete it seperately? Any ideas? I could do without deleting individual sections with the ‘scissor tool’ if possible…Thanks


If that line is assign to one layer, and only that line, you can select the layer in cause and delete it.

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Your best bet for this is the Scissors Tool.

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Thanks Kuth. Both lines are in the same layer and seem to be inseperable other than by manipulating between nodes then using the scissor function. Its a longwinded way but ive managed to do it…just thought there may have been a quicker route


Thanks. That’s how I’ve done it. A bit time consuming but I couldn’t work out another way of separating or isolating just one of the lines!?


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