Draw line tool adding nodes by itself when trying to close object

I’ve searched but haven’t found anyone else having this issue so here I am.
when I draw a random shape with the Draw Line tool it all works fine and it adds nodes with each click BUT when I bring it back around to close the shape it add a new node and snaps it to the top left of the workspace. It does the pretty much every time I draw a shape! the only way I have found to fix this is to use the edit node tool, zoom out and move to the top left coner of the workspace where this new node is and the select it press the D button to delete it then go back to where I was and zoom back in. this is very frustrating and I would love some help with this! Ill attach a picture of it doing it from a few different spots all with it snapping back to that same spot.
Thanks for yalls help

A fair number of folks confronted with similar weird events have found relief by changing the batteries in their wireless mouse / trackball.

If you have such a critter, keep it well-fed. :grin:

Occasionally, swapping in a new (wired) mouse leaves the problem with the old mouse.

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I will try it, but i do not believe that is the problem.
Thank you either way though

I see you’re using version 1.4.05, and I think what’s happening is the difference between lines and curve mode.

Click, then move to a new spot and click, as opposed to click and drag while holding the mouse button and clicking on a new spot.

Check out this 1.6 document and the 1.7 document to help explain this better.

The example I’ve shown is from version 1.7.04.


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thank you for tying to help but that’s not it either. I do understand how the clicking and dragging and just clicking to add points works. it only happens on the last point when I go to close the object. it will change to filled to show its closed but the last point is for whatever reason placed at the top right of the “work area” no matter where I am actually working. In the picture you can see how the last node in each object goes toward that corner of the workspace. It just makes no sense! it doesn’t do it all the time either. Sometimes it happens like every other object and sometimes it will go days without doing it! Oh and also it does it on different computers running different versions of Lightburn so ii dont think its that either…uhhhh help someone lol