Draw lines angle, concentricity

Hello Everybody,

I don’t know how to set up the tool
Draw lines (Ctrl+L)
so I can simply draw lines at some angle, option snapping 90,60,45 degrees, concentration, etc.
It is possible?

(Maybe this is a stupid question? I’m new to LB even though I’ve owned it longer :thinking:)
Hope right category here?

There is an option for doing 45º increments. Check out this short video for a better explanation.

Hope this helps.


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If you click the draw lines tool and press Shift you can start drawing a line at 0º 45º and 90º.
After you can select the line/shape and rotate:

  • CW = press “.

  • CCW = press “,

  • . (,) = 90º

  • Shift + . (,) = 45º

  • Ctrl + . (,) = 15º

  • Ctrl + Shift + . (,) = 1.5º
    You can also select your line/shape and rotate to any value:


Looks interesting, I must check
Thank you!

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Looks interesting, I must check too
Thank you!

But do you understand what I mean with simple angel setting and with snapping?
And usually some other curve sw
offer different options for drawing lines such as parallel, centered or 1/2, 1/4, 1/3