Driwer slowly decrease power on end of cutting curve

I change today Leetro to Ruidia on my laser cutter

I have not cut trough lines in my project.
Looks like driver slowly decrease power on end of line and slowly increase power on beginning.
Ewen if min and max power is set to 45% its happens.
I made gaps between lines 0,3-0,4mm as bridges in project.
Start and end delay is set to 0ms

Top part of plywood looks ok like usual but bottom part have too big gaps.

If the layer speed falls below the controller’s Start Speed, the power will behave as you describe. Check Edit → Machine Settings to find the Start Speed.

However, the machine acceleration may also be set very low, so that the machine spends too much time speeding up and slowing down along each vector. There are several acceleration settings scattered through the Machine Settings: my machine has all of them around 3000 - 5000 mm/s², so if your machine is set much lower, than can be part of the problem.

I believe that setting determines the turn-on and turn-off delay for the vent fan or assist air output signal during the whole job.

Speed is set to 45.
Everything working fine like on old driver; there is no weird jumps.
The project time is almost this same.

The diamond shape is fully cut.

I go to workshop and measure everything with caliper.
So its decreasing power on end of cutting… if I get right direction of cutting.

Assuming that’s in mm/s, it is unusually high for the Start Speed value and also seems high for cutting through most materials.

If you have checked the controller settings as I described and found nothing amiss, I have no further suggestions.

Perhaps someone else will see something we’ve both missed.

The start speed is set to 20mm/s i check it in User setings
Work sped 45mm/s power 50% laser is RF synrad Evo 125
I still use RDWorks because I dont set up Lightburn for machine.

Its crazy because if I have circle is cut perfectly first one (1)
But after add 6 bridges by 0,4mm the driver starts getting problems with cutting.
So cuts in first row 2 3 and 4 are with bridges
Second row is wit trough mode setting power 50% delay 120ms 60ms and 10ms

On 120ms laser cut trough but then turn off power during 1 arc/sections
on 60ms is this same but with 2 arc/sections
on 10ms 1 arc/section

And there how its looks from botom layer.

Cuts 2 3 and 4

Cuts 5 and 6

Now I try send project from Lightburn but is this same.


So looks like its relation speed to power.
And the problem is on start of next cutting curve.
I check manual but can’t figure parameter for that.