Dual tube laser 2 enable on Trocen AWC708Clite

I have a Trocen AWC708Clite and ive ran dual tubes in lasercad with it but Im not getting the option for laser2 on lightburn. Is this controller not currently set up for dual tube on lightburn or am I doing something wrong?

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I don’t think dual tube support is in for Trocen yet.

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Do you believe they will offer dual support for this controller? When I use the machine with lightburn it fires both tubes simultaneously right now. Is there a script or something I can do to make it not fire laser 2 until more support is available?

I’ve made changes to support the 2nd tube. Please PM me and I’ll have you try it - I have no means to test this myself.

I sent an email to support@lightburn about it. I may be blind but im not seeing how to directly message you. This computer has weird video settings and sometimes buttons are off the screen.

Please note that the full email is support at lightburnsoftware dot com since I do not see any emails from you.

I used the support email from the website. After writing a message I got a reply email confirming to me it was received.

Ah, yes, it was 20 hours ago, not 20 minutes ago, which is why I didn’t see it at the top of the list :slight_smile:

my apologies. Ive been busy today working with your software and I love it. The dual tube fix for my trocen will let me kick lasercad to the curb :smile: what would be the easiest way to obtain the trial settings? Im anxious to see this work and be a part of helping yall get data any way i can.

im not seeing that menu anywhere :grimacing:

nevermind i finally clicked the right thing

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