DXF cutting problem using another controller

Hello everyone from a sunny and very warm Barcelona…

I am not familiar with DXF files ( only GRBL) but my friend asked me to create a set of files for him and send them to him as DXF files as he has not yet purchased Lightburn and uses T2 and LaserGRBL.

I have created the files and saved them as Lightburn native files and then exported them as DXF files.

He has told me that he can open them and set it up to cut in T2 or LaserGRBL however neither programs will actual laser it.

He has told me that this has happened to him before with other DXF files created in Lightburn from different people and that this is apparently a problem in general

Is this the case please and if so is there a workaround?

I have convinced him to invest in Lightburn and he is going to now purchase a copy but for the sake of clarity has anyone else experienced this problem at all? I would like to know please and why if it is indeed the case.

Many thanks

Neil Scott aka Spiritburner
Windows 11 LightBurn 1.4.00, built Wed 2023-04-26 @ 17:45

SVG seems to be a more portable format and I’d try that if he can import them.


yes thanks. I am aware that was an option, one he cant use so I recreated them in Shapr3d and exported to DXF and they worked just finebut I was hoping for an answer to my actual question Does the problem exist with DXF and other controllers from a Lightburn file.?

Thanks for taking the time to answer though.

If he uses Lightburn, it will import svg files…


Is there an accompanying error message?

Why not export GCode?
According to the folks at T2 the trial works up to 10,000 lines of code.

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