Lightburn 1.4.01, importing DXF exported from Rhino 7 (W10), a dashed line is treated as a solid line. Opened the DXF file in other apps and they parse the dashed line. (I’ve written DXF-related tools and I know it’s a real PITA.) test-cut.dxf (159.7 KB)
The easiest way I can think of would be to enable ‘Perforation mode’ for that particular layer. You’ll need to fiddle with the cut and skip values (or you can calculate them).
I’ve opened that file with Adobe Illustrator and LibreOffice and they both parsed the LTYPE for DASHED as a series of lines. I’ll take a look at dxfgrabber – what we used on the lasersaur project for importing DXF files – and see how it handles this LTYPE.
Take a look at the Python script at this link. I tested it out in Rhino with your DXF file, and exported another DXF and it imported correctly into LB. After running script, you have to move the group of line segments back to the “etch line” layer.