I am trying to import into Lightburn (V1.6) a DXF file (V2013) and I have no issues with lines and text but images will not appear. They are not elsewhere on screen (zoom all). I have tried older format of DXF but still no luck. Is there a setting or do I have to bring them in separately?
LB doesn’t support bitmaps in a DXF import. Best to bring them in separately.
or any image format by the looks of it. I have tried numerous alternatives but no luck. Thank you
If you could provide some more information we might be able to give better help. What application are you exporting from?
I’ve just done a quick test and Adobe Illustrator files seem to work with mixed vector and bitmap elements. This was tested coming from CorelDRAW via the LB/Corel macro (which uses .ai as an intermediate file).
@Marcus_Wakefield I can create a DXF file in Draftsight that contains vector and raster, and it imports correctly into CorelDraw. I can also repeat what you see going to LB from the CorelDraw LB macro.
Quando importava um arquivo jpeg, o lb reconhecia e executava o trabalho. Agora que atualizei o lb, nĂŁo consigo mais fazer isso. Como resolver?
- Bad practice to hijack a topic with a question totally unrelated.
- Bad practice to answer an English thread (English being more or less the official language of this forum) with a Portuguese (?) message. It is OK, apparently, to start a new thread in a different language, though.
I am using Bricscad V17, using the DXFOUT function to create a V13 DXF file. Then using import in Lightburn to create the necessary file for plotting to an ELEGOO laser.
I have imported the image files separately and that is successful it is only when with line work they do not transfer.
I tried to insert (attach) the image files into CAD instead of x-referencing them but still no luck.
I have been using and teaching CAD for 30+ years so I have tried a couple of options hoping they would work.
I ended up exporting the image files (as a single file) to PDF, converting them to a PNG file then importing them into Lightburn and adjusting their location to match my original layout.
But any help on maybe, a setting causing the issue, would be appreciated
Regards Bruce
I’ve heard of BricsCAD but I’ve never used it. I started on AutoCAD 2.6 back in '87 and used various other CAD systems since. Anyway, could you attach one of your dxf files to have a play with? I can’t remember whether the forum allows dxf files so you might need to append “.txt” to the file name (eg: “filename.dxf.txt”) to get it to upload. It’s getting quite late here in the UK and I’ll be off to bed soon so don’t be surprised if you don’t get a reply until tomorrow.
last supper 2.txf (2.6 MB)
This is an example for you to test
Your DXF file contains images that are linked, not embedded. I was unable to view them when I opened the DXF in Draftsight.
You could try exporting a PDF file from BricsCAD. That should preserve the images and vector data. BricsCAD is an AutoCAD clone, like Draftsight. I can export a PDF file from Draftsight that contains vector and raster data, and LB can import it. But, I have to scale the import in LB to match the scale in CAD. I can’t get a 1:1 PDF file from Draftsight to LB. Probably operator error
Yes thank you, I tried to embed them with the same issue. I really think it is the DXF transfer program as it has been altered over the years to decrease the size of the files but has come to also decreasing functionality. My work round seems to be the best result similar to your process. Bricscad is an Autodesk alternative at 10% of the cost. It does 95% of the routines but has more functionality when it comes to three dimensional design. Thanks for your assistance.
I tried importing it into CorelDRAW and the images are missing, in nanoCAD the images are also missing but I can see where they are supposed to be because there is proxy text showing the path to the image that should be there:
So like @RalphU said: the images in the DXF file are linked rather than embedded so even if LB were able to import a DXF with images (and according to my very limited tests it doesn’t) it still wouldn’t have worked in this case. Until the LB devs add this capability I think the only option is the PDF route as suggested by @RalphU. Perhaps a feature suggestion is in order!
Thanks Marcus but… embedding the image does not help as the software looks at all images as inserted files and what you have shown occurs no matter what. I have tried cut and paste, insert, attach so just have to go back to basics.
That’s a bit of a nuisance to say the least! Just FYI: while I was waiting for your dxf I did a quick test with nanoCAD 5.0 (free download). I inserted an image into a drawing and saved this as a dxf that I then imported into CorelDRAW. Both the vectors and the image came in just fine so it seems that nanoCAD can do the embedding just fine. I’ve also just now tested printing the same file to pdf from nanoCAD and this imported into LB without issue. I don’t know whether nanoCAD is an option for you but it might be worth trying it out.
Marcus I downloaded Nanocad and its like going back in time!! I hate icons and commands, I operate CAD with hotkeys and usually have to wait for the computer to catch up!!
Hasn’t done anything so back to square one. Thanks for your assistance.
Yes, the interface is pretty horrible but I think it adheres pretty closely in terms of commands to earlier versions of AutoCAD. As I said before: I’m not familiar with BricsCAD so I don’t know about the hotkeys aspect. I only use 2D CAD when I absolutely have to and that’s mostly to help people out on the forums! I use SolidWorks in my day job as a design engineer and a mixture of SolidWorks and Fusion for personal projects.
Sorry I haven’t been able to help thus far.
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