Easiest way to use a jig

Hey everyone, looking for advice on the best way to do the following.

I have a jig as seen here.

The first print was 100% PERFECT but after powering off the machine and turning it back on it no longer aligns. What I mean by it “no longer aligns” is that when click on my crosshairs and having the laser move to the “selection center” it actually off by 2-3mm now. As mentioned this was perfect the first time and after turning the machine off it appears to be slightly off. Because of this I used the print and cut feature but it appears its still off. Should I have used the scale feature? From what I read is no since everything is the same. I thought I could use just absolute coordinates but with it being 2-3mm I decided to use print and cut. But still an issue…

What the heck am I doing wrong here? Of course I’m using absolute coordinates. Just trying to get this down like science! I hate printed my stuff and having it look like junk because its not aligned properly.

Does the home position change during successive homing cycles?

  • Set up something expendable below the home position
  • Home the machine
  • Pulse the laser enough to make a visible spot
  • Do several homing cycles and make several spots
  • Turn the machine off and back on again
  • Make another spot
  • Do several home homing cycles with more spots

During that whole process, do not move anything and do not change anything.

If all of the spots fall in exactly the same hole, then the machine homes properly and the problem lies in your workflow.

If the spots form a tight cluster, that’s the homing accuracy you can expect from the machine under ideal conditions.

If the spots are all over the map, then the machine has homing problems.

I have templates and jigs for most things I make repeatedly. The two notches at the bottom fit onto pegs on the waste board. Alignment is exactly the same every time. No need to eye-ball the alignment. I can align my material with my eyes closed. :wink:
In the upper left corner is the LightBurn template for the jig just below.

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