Editing format of a file sent to me

so i have file sent to me of a dog with text in the dog when i tested the dog it had lines in the dog i need help in getting rid of the lines, and maybe just having the dog outlined and i can ad the text myself.

Might want to post he .lbrn2 file for others to examine. It’s difficult to figure out what you have without some kind of photo or…

You can drag and drop the .lbrn2 file (other types also) onto the reply window or use the toolbardownload-icon-background icon.


will do i am going to try tracing it first that may be my saving grace

There are many ways to manipulate things in Lightburn. It’s quite an amazing package. Sing out if you have issues…

If you fix it, post the fix for others…

Good luck


i figured the last message now i have another pdf file sent to me and i want to convert to a vector and it will not allow me to trace it need any advice. i know i am missing a step or something

You’d have to post the file, can’t really tell what’s going on from what you gave me…


just tried to upload for ya and its saying not authorized

Opps… One of the lightburn staff people like @JohnJohn will have to enable that for you… Usually that’s only an issue with new people. Have you ever posted code or pictures before…?

Good luck


no i havent so yeah tell johnjohn to help with that please and thank you.

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