Editing text object

Oz / Team :slight_smile:

Bit of a petty request but is it possible to get lightburn to change the object its focusing on when dealing with text… almost exclusively i’ll type some text and offset it to make it thicker.

Annoyingly (but not something that really causes grief lol) - lightburn holds its focus on the previous object you were working with unless you click off it.

hard to explain but…

draw a circle, select text tool - type something, click offset - and it’ll contour the circle.

obviously the work around would be to draw circle, click off circle, select text tool, type something, click off text, click offset.


Hello Eamonn,

There is a feature request page for these kind of requests.
With enough votes the developers give certain suggestions more priority then others :wink:

Hi @sensor not entirely sure its a feature hence why i’ve sortta just popped it in here… ! :slight_smile:


This is reasonable - I’ve logged it as a bug.

Hey Eamonn… sorry but I misunderstood :slight_smile:

Done - will be in the next release.


Thanks Oz = I had the same issue but was just “living” with it. I found the issue in node editing mode of other than text objects as well - but you once again cure a problem that is barely on the radar. Well Done!!!

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