Guys…absolutely at my wits end with this thing!!! I just cant get lightburn to work at all. I’ve been having the error “Busy” “Port failed to open” “Waiting for connection”… all that with Lightburn connected via my pc to the Phecda. It might start a job, or allow to maybe frame the job, and after that it goes busy, and stays like that.
I had the issue first on my main desktop PC, did all the recommended suggestions, - uninstall Lightburn / reinstall - uninstall USB driver / try different ports / com ports. Tried 4 different USB cables and different USB ports. Bought a brand new high quality USB cable. Same issue
Then completly wiped my laptop, fresh install of windows. Saw there was an update of Lightburn ( ) which in the bug fixes states fixes the busy error bug. Downloaded and installed this. Also bought a brand new high quality USB cable - flippin same crap!!!
So basically it has to be Lightburn… cos I’ve ruled out everything else!! i put a job on the SD CARD and it ran complete from that, so it cant be the Phecda (in that sense anyway)
Guys… anyone has any suggestions, or managed to sort this?? I’m fit to send this back to Elegoo and give up on this crap.
Is the laser able to connect initially consistently? Meaning does the issue only present after attempting to use the machine? Or do you also have difficulty connecting the machine?
Can you upload a screenshot of Edit->Device Settings?
Have you tried connecting with LaserGRBL? What are the results that you get?
Dave, this is a longshot, but you might see what your system settings are:
go into DEVICE MANAGER, go down to Universal Serial Bus Controller, then check for any USB controllers in the list. I have two, you may only have one.
Right-click and select Properties, then click on the Power Management tab on the far right. If the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power is checked, uncheck it. This was what was causing my issue with my USB connection to the laser. If you have more than once controller turn this off on both and see if that helps.
Dave, on my Dell running Win 11 if I used LaserGRBL and they tried to used LightBurn the USB port was always busy. I suspect that when you exit LaserGRBL it doesn’t do all the housecleaning it should be doing and leaves the USB active or flagged as INUSE, so no other app can use the port. I had to reboot to clear the port, then lightburn saw the port and I was good to go.