New to lightburn and working with a Elegoo Phecda with no end stops for now. When im starting my project i cant seem to get a grasp on the origins settings and as such the gantry is crashing into the frame so looking to see how to improve my understanding of the origin settings
I setup the material at the correct height, I push the laser head to the lowest left position, then set Origin using the move menu.
I have my material (Slate tile) set to 0,0 in the honeycomb frame and the Job origin in the middle of the lower edge but the laser seems to think thats it not at 0,0 so when I press frame to ensure I have everything aligned the machine crashes into the frame. Its first movement is towards the front of the machine, even though I have told it you are at 0 position.
I have moved the laserhead using the move window and tried to set the origin again but it still crashes into the frame. When viewing “Show Last Position” it seems to think the head is somewhere around -120 and not 0
My understanding is setting the Origin using the move window tells the machine “You are at 0,0, work from that information” and the job origin says “this is the position of the material, and i want you to start the job from here”. Am i correct or missing something fundemental? If i move the machine with the move buttons and then press “Go to Origin”, it returns to where I told it 0,0 was with no problems
Thanks that was a helpful document but still didnt solve the issue.
I followed the steps for a machine without homing switches (Turn off, move laser head manually to 0,0, turn on), set the job file to start from current position and then tried to frame the job which it again immediatly tried to move forward crashing into the frame.
The machine is reporting it is set to position 0,0 on the LCD, and I have lightburn setup to start at current position so the head should not need to move anywhere but away from the frame
For now unplug laser from power and (USB) move laser head to the middle of the workbed, then connect everything back, now place a scrap wood piece under the laser and run the job and tell us the results.
Also are setting your laser 0,0 and other settings on Lightburn or on laser panel?
Don’t let the dog look at the laser when lasering.
Did as you said (Closed LB, Turned off Laser, Unplugged USB, Moved laser to middle, powered up and opened LB) and when i hit frame this time it didnt move forward but moved to the right side of the gantry too far (which makes sense as the work peice is over half the size of the working area).
Im changing nothing on the laser, only in light burn but confirming that the laser reads 0,0 before starting.
Sorry missed this one, maybe I misunderstood something.
Set Job Origin to lower left ( is where you´re placing your laser head), set Cut selected Graphics and Use Selection Origin to green, select your shapes and try your job again.