Ender 3S1 with official Creality Laser 1.6W

I habe a Creality Ender 3S1 and the official Creality Laser Modul 1.6W which has a prepared connection to the printer.
I cannot connect Lightburn even with the help from other forum entries. Such as Marlin and 9600 bps.
The official Software from the vendor has not many options so I would like to use Lightburg with I also use at a Makerspace near by with another Laser (BRM).
Lightburn does not connect via USB. Message: Waiting for connection… Port failed to open - already in use?
Can somebody help?

Hello. I finally got it running… It was easy. Just selecting 115.200 bps.
Laser does a good job with speed 10mm/sec.
If there are any other users with experience in Ender 3S1 with Creality laser I would appreciate to hear from you.

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