Engraved image too dark

Hello everyone,

I am currently trying to get a photo of our dog engraved. I was using the Image mode with both Dithering and Greyscale, the outcome seems to be lacking however.

I am using a Sculpfun S9, the speed and power is set to 1200/100.Is there any way for me to improve this? Thank you :slight_smile:



You can right-click adjust image in lightburn

or use imag-r.

Top quality images require a lot of testing and adjustment…of the machine, the settings, and the image itself.

Settle for a week of school…this is gonna take some time…

Stop trying to burn a complete piece until you’re pretty confident you have something that will work. No point wasting the time or material. Scale it back to a little gradient. My test gradients are 5mmx50mm and easily twice as big as I need.

Examples of SOME of my very first tests…


Should read, "images require a LOT of testing and adjustment. I just spent 5+ hours on a 45 minute image burn, and was still not satisfied. I have had luck with Greyscale only. Jarvis and Stucki require more patience than I have. They are not kidding when they say images are the hardest thing to do on a laser. But I have seen some stunning examples from diode lasers, so I know it is possible.

Hope this and this are helpful.

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