Engraving a list of names

Hi I am fairly new to this, I am trying to burn ?engrave a list of names onto wood, but no matter what I try it is very pale and I really need it to be darker and more visible.I would be grateful for any advice you can offer. I am using a Vigotec VG 7L laser engraver,I also noticed amessage saying it was not communicating with the controller, yet it is still working.

What settings are you using for speed and power?

I tried various settings, started at 6600 speed at 50% then lowered the speed to 4400 and upped the power to 85% and various other settings, but the burn was the same all the time, I even tried different materials, ply, pine and card the same each time, well except the pine and the burn was even worse. I am sure it is something I am missing in settings but I don’t know what, I tried changing $32=0 to $32=1 but it didn’t change it but added it to the bottom. I only downloaded LB yesterday and trying to get my head round it can be a problem to me until it is explained then I can get things and work it through.

LightBurn has documentation to help new users for this exact reason. Depending on where one starts, the learning curve can be considerable. LightBurn Software Documentation

The entire document is worth review, with a focus on completing the Simple Project section to get a jump-start. :slight_smile: Redirecting...

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