Engraving lower

I have a 1 pen jig. if I need to do a few, when I change out it engraves low consecutively. on every pen. Im at wits end. Omtech K40. Any answers are appreciated.

Hi Ron and welcome to the Forum!

Are you saying, consecutive runs of the same job and same focus give you different results?
Since, you are using a jig, it’s always in the same position and beam alignment can’t be the cause.

A screenshot of your “Cuts / Layers” settings and pictures of your setup and results might be of help.

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Thank you for replying. You’ll see my cut and layer settings. Then if you see the first photo of the pen, that’s the first engrave then it went back to ending point then when tried to go over it again you can see the second letters below. I just use the same pen as not to waste pens.
I’m having a hard time posting pictures.

strong text

I’ve read this a few time and still don’t really know what the question is.

It would help if you’d answer @Aaron.F questions. The first engraving looks OK, can you use some words with the photo to explain what the issue is? The last photo, I have no idea what I’m looking at.

We know you know, but you have to remember we are clueless at this end.


I guess the whole point is every time a second item is engraved it does not match where it’s suppose to go. Even if using a jig. Keeps going lower and to the side on every one. Having a very difficult time adding video. Sorry. I know it’s not much to go on. Thank you all for the time you have given me.

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Try something simple to debug the problem:

  • Remove the jig
  • Lay cardboard on the platform

In LightBurn:

  • Draw a 25 mm square in the middle of the workspace
  • Set the layer to Line
  • Set the Speed to 100 mm/s
  • Set the Power to 20%
  • Use Absolute Coordinates (as shown in your picture)
  • Start the job

Twiddle the power & speed until the laser just marks the cardboard, rather than cutting through, moving the cardboard around as needed. Don’t worry about where the square appears, just keep moving the cardboard until you get a good mark.

Replace the cardboard.

Without changing anything, start the same job a few times.

Do successive squares appear in the same place every time?

If they do, then there’s a deeper problem.

If no, upload a picture of the result on the cardboard and the *lbrn2 file with the square so we can all see what’s going on.

Also: gotta love the Lego jig setup! Great idea! :grin:


Plenty if You ask me, the job origin for some reason shifts along one axis between runs.
It would probably be a bit simpler to troubleshoot if the shift would stay the same, but on this:

pic it seems that the 3rd shift/jump is twice as much as it is on the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th.
That extra irregular jump could indicate that the axis motion is somehow slipping, but since it’s always to the same direction only, that’s quite unlikely.
Easy to test though with 10+ shapes.

The test @ednisley suggested is a good basic one, and should rule out some of the possible causes for that behaviour.

Hopefully it is a mechanical, homing or coordinate related problem, and not a controller/firmware related.



Ok, Number one is with finish point directly above square toward top of honeycomb. 2 is finish point finish point is upper right. 10 passes each.

In Absolute Coordinate mode with the square in the same workspace position, the only thing that can change is the hardware.

To test for that, scale this test pattern to fit the platform and run it (once!) as fast as it will go in Line mode with optimizations turned off and power set to mark cardboard:


Any distortion in the results on the cardboard indicates a mechanical problem.