Engraving on Dollar Store Plate

Rudia 100 Watt Laser. Any tips on settings?

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I suspect you’ll have a very difficult time with this in Line mode. You’re likely to get burning at all corners of every letter and likely overburning in general.

You may be better off doing a fill with “Fill all at once”. I suspect you’ll need to be at max speed or at least 300 mm/s. I’d suggest starting as low as your laser can fire. I’m guessing around 10-11% power. Keep min power close to that or the laser will likely drop off.

Might help if you could tell us what the plate is made of???

On a white porcelain plate?

Are you using any kind of coating?


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Good point. I instantly thought of a wooden plate but bad assumption.

Sorry, that’s my middle name… :rofl:


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Thanks, letter are now in Fill mode. I haven’t purchased the plate; will be going to Dollar Tree today. I will check with someone as to what I need for coating plate (and, do they have a shot to spare :grin:)

Oh Golly, just remembered I have a wood plate and two glass plates (like the clear glass plates…only they are red)!

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