Engraving photo on a Falcon 2 22w

Hi My name is Trevor and I live in Stockport England, I have had a Falcon 2 22w Laser for about 6 weeks now and I am really pleased with everything I have tried to do, with one exception, I can not get Lightburn to engrave/etch a Photo that has been through ImagR and processed by Lightburn, When I try to burn the photo all I get is masive Burning sometimes right through the 3mm beech ply I’m useing, it seems the laser goes over the same line over and over, what should take 1 hour and 30mins ends up taking 4 hours
I have tried High speeds Low speeds Low power High power and evry combination of bothe with no sucess, Iadmit I need HELP, any pointerswill be greatfully recieved, All other functions work Brilliantly
thanks in advance.
regards Trevor

If everything else is working as you would expect e.g. Line, Fill engraving, then it may well be the image cut settings, could you post a screenshot of the ‘Cut settings editor’ for the image ?

Here is the screen grab, would you belive I had computers since 1982 and this is the first time I mhave ever used, you live and learn!!!

Your device is showing as GRBL-M3, I believe it should be GRBL. Try changing it. Hopefully that should help

If you are processing in LB you don’t need Imag-r, if you are processing in Imag-r you need to turn on Passthrough so you are not double processing the graphic.

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Hi I use both Lightburn and ImagR in the hop of finding an answer to the problem, with no sucess so far.

Good Morning David I realised I did not send the screenshot you wanted, To keen to solve the problem I didn’t think it through, attached is the screen shot I think you wanted

Good morning, did you manage to change your device profile from GRBL-M3 to GRBL ?
I think this will be the root cause of your problem when engraving images

If you are unsure of how to change the device profile, here are the steps:

  1. Push Devices button in Laser window
  2. Select your device and push Edit
  3. Pick your device type (GRBL not GRBL-M3)
  4. Click through next on other selections as long as you have no changes to make

GRBL-M3 refers to fix power laser if I’am not wrong.

Good Morning Luis, I have a test burn on the go at the moment, so I hav’nt made the change yet, I’m expecting the local pratice nurse in the next hour so I will report back as soon as I get it done, Thank you for your help and patience,
regards Trevor

Hi David,I can not say how much you have helped me, I can tell you my Fa;lcon 2 is now working as it should, I can etch/engrave photo’s onto beech ply and get the results I’ve wanted from the start, and its all down to you Chris Gallaher, Luis Jardim, and the lightburn program and staff, But David I must say a special thanks to you, you have made an old man very happy, and as we say around here, “Thanks Mate, I owe you one”
regards Trevor


Glad I have been of some help Trevor, from one old man in England to another, I hope you enjoy your new toy, it’s great fun and very addictive :+1:


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