Hi all. Newbie…
After some hardware modifications (exaust, cooling, electric, controller, etc…) I’m starting to test the machine (a K40 + Ruida RDC6445), using lightburn as software.
The machine seems well (or I hope so) set, as some square test 10x10 mm are matching the measurements (ok not really 10x10, something like 10.08x10.03, but I can be satisfied, don’t you?).
So I tried an engraving test. Having some issue…
- The engraving isn’t perfect…the text I tried to engrave is such a way left-skew. I suppose this can be a mechanical issue (X step loss). I tried by tighting the X belt, but with no success. I’ll try maybe with a lower speed (I tested with 100mm/s)
- The machine/software/controller (I don’t know) claims too much room to work. I’m testing on a small acrylic scrap (about 100*100 mm), by placing a capitol letter ( P ) in the middle, then starting engraving. Well (aside from the skew problem), I had to put the scrap almost in the middle of the bed, because an error message where it claims more room to let the head go forth and back…
When the laser engrave, the head is moving really far from the scrap borders (about 30-50 mm on each side), although the letter is in the middle of the scrap, meaning the head needs for each side almost 90 mm of moving space… It’s really unacceptable…
Weel, till I have to engrave a small scrap like this, i can put it in the middle of the bed and go. But If I’d like to engrave something bigger (the full bed maybe) with this philosophy it’s totally prohibitory…
For sure I’ve to set something somewhere (acceleration/deceleration?), for sure it could be an engraving speed issue too (more speed need more room to accelerate / decelerate before a direction change), but I don’t know what to do and where…
Can someone help me in this issue (than I’ll try to fix the skew issue too)?
Thank you