Engraving tin lids (Ball jar lids)

Hi folk … can anyone advise how to engrave on a Ball canning jar lids? Looks a little like a nickel plated finish, not sure.

I have no idea the answer to your question. But I’m curious why?

If you are trying to “pre-label” canning lids to be used to actually can food it may not work because I’ll bet if you put enough power in to the lid to make a good mark on the outside then the coating on the inside of the lid becomes damaged. Just a guess.

Interesting question though. Wife & I can loads of food every year. Laser engraving lids would be interesting, but I don’t think the inner coating would survive the heat.

We are wanting to label for food as well … didn’t consider the heat, but I think a low power pass wouldn’t damage it. Will try a marking paint

You could try Cermark but that is too rich for my blood. I have had pretty good success with Dry Moly spray lube for marking metals. Here is a video that might give you some ideas.

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I have not tried this but you could always make a mark with a black sharpie then laser the area removing some of the sharpie to reveal the lid below.


To clarify, marking an area with permanent marker then engraving thru the marked area the text… nice! I like the idea…

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Yes. Thanks for clarifying.

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