Eratic behaviour on positioning

First, thanks for any attempt to help. As ever I am eternally grateful.

Quick question, since the Diode is rarely the one that screws up in regard to the frame issue, and of course it’s not doing it now (probably need to restart the machine fifty times and do a bunch of jobs etc before it will do it), I hopped onto my CO2 as it does it almost 90% of the time on it. The issue wouldn’t repeat there either, so I switched files hoping to trigger it, Instead I noticed my gantry moving tremendously slow. This means, switching programs, switched my units over (was on Inches/mm/sec and I had to switch back to mm/sec (wish I could remove the inches one, I never use it and quite frankly don’t know what it means.). Once the units switched over, the move speed dropped to almost nothing for some reason and I had to change that back as well (pic below). Is this normal? I know that the file was originally created on my Diode but I wouldn’t think it should mess with all my units and especially not my speed… Would think if anything it would just convert the speed to the equivalent in the new units.

On with your questions:

Yes, it is an Ortur LM2P

As mentioned above, I’ve attempted multiple times to get this to work on my diode but it won’t right now. I’ll need to come back to this once it happens. Sorry. Very intermittent for the diode.

No, definitely not. If you see the example below, I didn’t touch anything and from one side of the cup to the other it screwed up. I run through a checklist each time too before running the rotary.

I do notice however that even though I load my rotary settings and they are set to make the checkbox green for “enable rotary”, I still have to come and enable it on the “laser” menu as well.

Correct, Mac–>USB Hub (ethernet port)–>ethernet hub (which is connected via ethernet cable to internet connection)–> machine. Wondering if I should get a dedicated Apple approved USB to Ethernet and bypass the hub.

There was a period where it happened 10X in a day. It’s rarer now. Haven’t plugged in the rotary in a long while because of it. Wondering now that I’m thinking of it, it could be my procedure for attaching the rotary. I was getting mixed reviews on how to connect the rotary. Seemed to me the, connect and disconnect the X axis while the machine was on, was the best way, another reason I wanted to install the selector switch instead of constantly switching out the main connection, doing this while hot was a bit unnerving to me. Just wondering if doing this when the machine is off or the settings weren’t loaded at the right time etc., wonder if I was screwing up the order of operations there. I swear I tried everything though.


No, intermittent


I don’t think so because I can’t even figure out where it’s located on this darn Mac. I know how to see everything in Lightburn but I cannot access a folder specifically. I’m looking at contacting Apple to understand why this folder is hidden. Mac environment is frustrating to me. Below pic is a shot of it.

Exactly! As you already know it happened real time today when I switched files (top).

Seems it was limited on the Macbook. This has been progressive. I’ve had this Mac for a year and it seems things are popping up more now. Then again, I also received the Mac and the Rotary around the same time.

I’m honestly ready to wipe everything and start over. but then I will lose everything I’ve had to work through to this point.

Thanks for any and all help