Eratic behaviour on positioning

Definitely going to back up, appreciate the thought

Awesome thanks so much, greatly appreciated!

Actually what am I thinking, I’ve got multiple backups. Regardless, thanks

omtech_standard.lbset (12.6 KB)

Well, didn’t see much out of place there. Oh well.

Yeah. I’m seeing the same thing. Nothing extraordinarily different. That’s not a bad thing. Rules out a whole set of potential issues.

5. When I shut down my Mac and turn back on, it sets the units in Lightburn to Inches/ mm/sec. I never use these units. It’s always mm/sec for CO2 and mm/min for Diode. The reason I know this is happening usually is because my gantry, when trying to jump to a position, moves at a snails pace. Somehow Lightburn has rest my units. Another giveaway obviously if I didn’t see it first, is the speed units in my layers are screwed up and totally not what I expect them to be.

I also use a Mac and recently added a Diode laser after using a C02 for a few years and have noticed that when I first start LB without a project selected, the value for speed in the LB preferences reflect the setting for the Device listed in the Laser window Device dropdown., ie the first or top one in list. Can you verify what device is listed in the first row of your Devices dropdown? I am guessing It is an extra device that has the units set in Preferences to inches /mm/sec.

Additionally, if I load a project that I saved while my Ruida device was selected the speed will be in mm/sec and if I then select my diode laser from Devices dropdown to switch to it for the burn, the Cut/Layers speed changes to reflect the unit change for the new device selected. So in my case, with a Ruida and Diode Device in the drop down, mm/sec changes to mm/min, and the originally value of 300 (mm/sec) changes to 18,000(mm/min) which is 300 times 60. Could this be what you are seeing when you say the “speed units in all my layers are screwed up” ?

This confused me until I figured out LB was doing the unit conversion for me, so don’t feel bad.

Above are guesses on my part but t hope they rule out Mac issues.

Hi, so no, my CO2 is first in the list and the units are mm/sec. I tried shutting down FB and restarting the computer and neither is producing the failure. I’ve tried opening a file created for my diode and opened in my CO2 profile, I’ve tried opening certain files that I use frequently to see if the units are changed in those. Nothing seems to trigger it now. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for what I did prior to it failing next time it does.

Yeah, I wish this is all it was. I get that all the time, it would be welcomed if that was all it was. I think I’m going to do what one of the guys above suggested and just go to using one set of units all the time. It will likely be easier to diagnose and I’ll get used to it.

Thank you for the reply all the same

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