error 20 Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block

Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block.

[echo: G1 X0.435Y-0.59]


Seems like your origin is incorrectly configured.

Is this a new error? Has your laser worked correctly before this?

Yes it has worked previously. I have homed the laser in bottom left corner, and then click on get position says x0 y0 z 0

I think it’s likely that either one of these two conditions is present:

  1. You have gcode clustering enabled on laser not supporting this. You don’t list your specific model but I believe this is only currently supported on OLM3 for Ortur models.
  2. Your device is not configured with the right device profile. You can check this by pushing Devices button in Laser window. Then click on the name of your laser. It should list “GRBL” on the lower left of that screen. If it’s any other variant then Edit your device and change the type to GRBL.

My model is the olm3 and is setup as grbl

It’s possible that your firmware is old enough where it doesn’t support g-code clustering.

Can you provide the following:

  1. screenshot of Edit->Device Settings
  2. full screenshot of LightBurn with design loaded and Cut and Laser windows showing
  3. Go to File->Save gcode, save the gcode for the design that you’re having a problem with using a .txt extension, then upload the file here.

error20.txt (10.9 KB)

You didn’t include the full screenshot but a few additional questions.

  1. You have M7 set for air assist. Are you certain your laser supports M7? If not, try M8 and retest.
  2. Have you used GCode clustering in the past? If not, try disabling and retest.

Changing from M7 to M8 things have started working. Thanks very much for your help. I’ll need to confirm ortur as the latest firmware i installed they told me to set to M7

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