Error al conectar con el servidor (Failed to connect to server)

Hola, soy nuevo aquí, quiero comprar el software, descargué la versión de prueba pero no me deja probar. cuando lo abro me da un mensaje “no se pudo conectar al servidor debido a un error de red”.
Intento encontrar este tema, vi que no soy el único, mucha gente ha tenido este problema, muchas respuestas sobre firewall, configuración de DNS… pero aún no hay ninguna solución que funcione.
¿Cuál es el siguiente paso si no puedo hacer nada al respecto?
En un tema se dice comprar y activar sin conexión. Ok, puedo hacerlo, pero no puedo ver ningún término y condición sobre ningún reembolso si no funciona, y nadie dio ninguna actualización sobre… o vi que puedes tener actualizaciones de un año, ¿cómo puedo tener las actualizaciones si no puedo? conectarse a la red?
Lo siento, pero antes de comprar, debo asegurarme de no gastar mi dinero en el mismo error sin tener la posibilidad de usarlo.

Hello, I’m new here, I want to buy the software, I downloaded the trial version but it won’t let me try it. When I open it it gives me a message “could not connect to the server due to a network error”.
I’m trying to find this topic, I saw that I’m not the only one, many people have had this problem, many answers about firewall, DNS configuration… but there is still no solution that works.
What is the next step if I can’t do anything about it?
One topic says buy and activate offline. Ok, I can do it, but I can’t see any terms and conditions about any refund if it doesn’t work, and no one gave any update about… or I saw that you can have one year updates, how can I have the updates if I can’t? connect to the network?
I’m sorry, but before I buy, I have to make sure I don’t waste my money on the same mistake without having the chance to use it.
Thank you!

Have you checked the Hosts file for damage?

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Hola, no no se como se hace eso, vi en otro Tema que habia como pero me perdi en los comandos y no pude, podrias ayudarme?

Hello, I don’t know how to do that, I saw in another topic that there was how but I got lost in the commands and couldn’t, could you help me?

On your computer, which operating system are you using; Windows 7, Windows 10 or Windows 11?

Mi compu es Windows 11 Home

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About half-way down there is a title:

View the hosts file in Windows 11

Starting with step 3.

  1. Press the Windows key (WIN) + E to open File Explorer.

  2. In the box where it says ‘Quick access’, paste the following path and press ENTER:


  1. In the list of files, you will see hosts.

If you are willing to share, please drag and drop the hosts file into a reply here.

If it doesn’t upload to the forum, Right Click the hosts file, select ‘Make a copy’ and change the file name to hosts.txt

That should allow you to open the file in Notepad and drag the copy of the hosts file into a reply here.

hosts.txt (12,3 KB)

Mira creo que a esto te refieres no?

Look, I think this is what you’re referring to, right?

Yes, this is the file that I wanted to see, and it has been damaged.

Using Notepad, Edit the Hosts file, remove the following lines of code from the end of the file then save it as the original filename “hosts”.

This will allow your trial version of LightBurn to communicate with our servers.

After you save the partially repaired hosts file, you may want to save your LightBurn project.

After that, shut everything down, then restart your computer and restart LightBurn.
It should communicate with the server now.

Intente eliminar y guardar pero me sale esto

I tried to delete and save but I get this


Click the Accept button (Aceptar) at the bottom and confirm that the hosts file in the directory did not change. You may need to Right click Notepad and select the option with the shield “Run as Administrator”. That should allow you to ‘be the boss’ and save it where it is supposed to be.

If you are locked out and can not work as an Administrator, you may need to contact the person that sold you the computer.

Listo mira perdón que demore tanto

Ready look sorry it took so long

Pude hacer como dijiste abriendo el bloc como administrador ahora que debo hacer porque al guardarlo se guarda como .txt O debo guardarlo como.(otra cosa)?

I was able to do as you said by opening the notebook as administrator, now what should I do because when I save it it is saved as .txt Or should I save it as.(something else)?

This should be the way to do it in Windows 11.

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Ya sirvio, muchas gracias de corazon.

It already served, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

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