Error message 5417

recently laser has been stopping mid stream and giving an alarm version 1.2.01
Any ideas?
I have uninstalled and reinstalled with no effect.

message is
Layer C00

WARNING: HOME the system before continuing

error:Alarm lock

On or near line 5147:

error:Alarm lock

On or near line 5147:

error:Alarm lock

On or near line 5147:

error:Alarm lock

On or near line 5147:

We rarely recommend this for that reason.

This suggestion may be of use:
Are you getting a long beep as well as these messages?

The troubleshooting page for the Emblaser2 is very elaborate:

Many thanks. I updated the driver today, cleaned the pc board.

When it stops it does not move. Long alarm which turns off when i hit stop. Another symptom may be when homing it goes to a z axis 0 but not home on y axis. Been doing this for a couple of weeks.


What is the homing behavior of the X-Axis?

Thanks for the comment. My apologies i made an error on the axis. Z axix head rIses up, x axis the laser moves to the left from its last position then beeps and stops. To move home to the back left position i need to turn off then manually move into this position. If i turn off and on the laser moves slightly right then left and beeps.

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