Error Message about missing art libraries

This is not a major issue but I think might be a bug in the app.

I onloaded all of my art libraries but I get an error message about one of them whenever I start the app. I reloaded all of my libraries in the same location and loaded them back in. The error message went away.

I unloaded them all, one by one, and I started getting the same error message for the same file when I start LightBurn.

Do you have any suggestions why this might be happening? How can I fix it?

Thank you,

Does “Ski.lbart” actually exist in that folder location?

Yes. That was the first thing that I tested.

It’s possible something is wrong with that specific file - can you email to I can take a look.

Sure, I will send you the file but I would not get any errors when I add it back to the library and restart LB.

I have checked the file and there’s nothing wrong with it, so that’s not the issue. Do you have anything like a cloud sync service running on the locations where you store the art library files? If another process has the file open, LightBurn wouldn’t be able to lock the file.

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