Error updating alarm 3

Goodnight !

I have been using Lightburn for 3 months and when installing the latest version the laser started to stop during cutting and show the following message:

Restart while moving. Grbl cannot guarantee position. There are likely to be missed steps. Re-homing is highly recommended.
On or near line 8243:
Work interrupted.

When using another PC, the laser worked normally with an old version, but when updating, the same error occurred and even uninstalling the current version and installing the old one, now the problems persist on both PCs.

Would be highly unlikely lightburn would cause the ALARM 3 error
However the fact you are changing hardware (computer) might

You can also download and install older versions of lightburn on new pc.
You need to limit variables to do some diagnostics

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Can I download other versions from the website? Because I only have 2, the one that came with the equipment and the one that is available on the website.

Yes, your license should work on older versions just fine

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What is alarm 3 about?

I installed version 1.4
and 1.3 and still have the same error.

Alarm 3 are, usually, disconnection errors

Try this. unplug your laser head from the machine
Run the very same job that been doing errors, but wihtout laser head connected
(so machine will just do motions)

Does this keep giving you errors still or not?
If not, it might mean your power adapter is failing mid engrave

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I’m doing some more tests to be sure, but with the laser disconnected the machine runs the entire route.

This indicates your main issue might be your power adapter

Try a different, better one if you have access
I would always recommend getting a bit better, but depends on what you have now, maybe check output rating of it

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Is there a possibility that there is another reason?
because I use UPS, the equipment had already been in use for 3 months and for a new test I connected the lasers to an exclusive power supply for it, the problem still persists.

IF the issue never happens with laser unplugged, and it only happens with laser plugged
My experience tells me 99% of reasons are down to power adapter
The fact upstream of it you have a UPS is not a issue. the problem is the adapter itself might be unable to deliver - over a long time - the power required to finish the job

If it starts failing, amps draw grows, voltage drops and motherboard crashes, leading to ALAM3

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Lots of problems seem to be occurring when updating. Losing settings, etc.
I would go to file > open prefs folder and pick a pref. before your update.

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I changed the power supplies and ran new tests, but a new error occurred: error:22 The feeding rate has not yet been defined or is undefined. On or near line 553: Work interrupted Is there a possibility that the laser is defective?

this is different might be up to the version of lightburn you are using

make sur eyou using latest one

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The PC was formatted, the latest version was installed, a socket was used with a specific adapter for the laser that was connected individually,
Even so, Alarm 3 persists.

Any other tests that can be done?

Laser is also stopping with the head cable disconnected.
When carrying out some more tests with the laser head turned off, I noticed that the program sends a series of commands, the stop always occurs at the end of these commands in some cases, when I press pause and then resume it sends some more commands until the stop, being It is necessary to repeat the pause and resume process.

could you take a full image of your machine in its envorioment so we can see maybe if there is any clues?

Also what commands are these
Maybe you get an error on a given line number?

Alternatively post the LBRN or save to gcode and we can try to replicate.

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