Estimated time disappears

I am new to using lightburn, but I thought a few weeks ago, when I start a burn, in the laser window, it had the green progress bar that would slowly increase, along with the time remaining shown that would decrease. Now at least, when I first start the burn, it shows the estimated time and the green bar, and the estimated time shown seems reasonably close after setting my additional settings, but on a 10ish minute burn, the progress bar and time remaining is only shown for maybe 30 seconds before it disappears and the laser window goes back to ready. The burn however still continues. While this isn’t a major issue, I’d like to be able to look over at my lightburn window and see how much time is left versus always getting up and going to look into my enclosure.

The thing that looks like elapsed time/estimated time is based on the data being sent. The actual time for the job isn’t communicated back to LightBurn to be reported.

It seems that you have a well-constructed project and enough buffer to acknowledge that the project code was all communicated within 30 seconds.

Image engraving can produce a considerably larger file and will behave more like what you’re describing with the green bar slowly increasing as the buffer is overwritten.

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