Etching on cladding

Hello I’m new here. I have an elksmaker2500mw laser.
When I first install the software I was able to etch on silver cladding and a piece of painted iron. For some reason I’m not able to again. There is a replacement laser on the unit. Unfortunately I don’t know what it is and I don’t know how to identify it. All I know is it’s stronger that the original. Everything else is standard on this machine. I don’t know anything about these machines so ant help I can get I will appreciate. I would love to get back to etching on these materials. It’s what I really want to do.
Thanks in advance

This might indicate the firmware needs to be adjusted correctly. Type $$ into the ‘Console’, then hit Enter / Return. You will see a bunch of information (your firmware settings) spit back. Copy all (window scrolls) and paste here for review.

Thank you for your time. Here is what u requested

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