Ethernet commando, start, stopp etc

I want to start and stop the laser over ethernet. Looking for TCP commando or something simulare, Can I get some help where to find this.


I will connect à cobot to load and unlod the laser.
I know i Can use the I/O tex FW-switch to start etc.

But I want this functions over ethernet…

Suggest you look through this:

Ok! Strange, i hope my seller that told me this function i asked for is there. But do not look like that.

I se ”Start” in the commando, but I do not get any data when the job is Done?

What did the seller promise? And can you ask them for instructions/support if they were claiming the functionality?

I’m not very familiar with the commands but I think I saw something that said the commands were unidirectional. I could very much be wrong about this.

What are you expecting?

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