Here I have a bunch of text I would like to even space within the box. What is the easiest way to evenly space all this existing text vertically while also left aligning the text to the right side of the box?
I would like to align left and even distribute the text, “align left” kinda works but leaves a gap as seen here between the left side of the box and the T. To do this I selected the box and all the text then click align left.
And here is the distribute which also kinda works but its not even spaced…
Here is the file I’m playing with.
Joes Fishing Charter Backside.lbrn2 (451.1 KB)
- Separate every line as a different text element
- Create another box directly left of the current box to act as a alignment shape
- Select every line of text and dock left
- Move top and bottom text lines to where you want the text to be situated top and bottom
- Select all text lines, then distribute vertically with even spacing
Thank you, I was able to get everything aligned following your steps.
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