Everything is backwards

Just put together an AtomStack X40 Max. Images created on LightBurn, are burned upside down and on the opposite side of the material.

You have machine origin set to top-right. Your machine is almost certainly meant to be bottom-left. Change this in Edit->Device Settings.

Thank you. I tried that all ready, however the Origin setting won’t change.

Please explain. What do you do, what are you expecting and what happens instead?

Can you take a screenshot of Edit->Device Settings?

I tried all 4 locations on Origin. Yet the laser stays at the bottom left.

Changing origin won’t change the location of the laser.

  1. Switch to bottom-left
  2. Set Start From mode in Laser window to Absolute Coords
  3. Home your laser
  4. Position your design
  5. Frame and make sure that the frame matches between location on workspace and location on bed
  6. Burn

What are the results?

I’m not at home at the moment. Forgive me, I am new to this. There were no instructions w/ the laser. How do you “home the laser”? Thank you very much!

Push the Home icon in Laser window.

That did it! Thank you so much!

One last thing. How do I get my laser to home somewhere other than the front left corner.

This isn’t so much a typically configurable option.

Does your machine have limit switches at all four corners? Or just in the lower left? If you had limit switches at all locations you could move the homing location with some configuration changes.

If you only have switches at the bottom left you’d have to physically relocate them to where you want the machine to home first, then go through some configuration changes to make this work.

Note that not all machines support this as they lock-out configuration changes. I don’t believe your machine is one of them, however.

Is there a reason you want to home some place else?

Just simply convenience. The enclosure that I purchased with it only opens on that side. Would be nice to have the laser home in another corner. I don’t know about the limit switches. How do I determine that. You have been a miracle to me, I was ready to throw in the towel…

Don’t do that… or get more towels.

These are likely going to be mechanical switches. Turn off the machine and move the laser head by hand slowly to the front left. You should actually feel the switches actuate, one for X and one for Y.

It’s possible that instead of mechanical switches these are proximity sensors. In that case look for something near the travels of X and Y that are positioned in a way to detect the proximity to a tab or something that protrudes from near the laser head for X and near the gantry for Y.

Once you establish what type of switches you have, look for the equivalent on the other end of travel for X and Y. Most consumer grade machines won’t have these.

If the concern is only about clearance, you could potentially just do 2 things:

  1. Setup a macro in Console or a saved position in Move window that puts the laser head somewhere else. You can trigger that after homing.
  2. In Edit->Device Settings you can setup a “Return to finish position” somewhere other than 0,0. This will have the machine go there at the end of a job, thus getting out of your way

An alternative to Step 1 above, you could move the laser to where you want the resting position to be, then do “Set Origin” in Move window. Then push “Go to origin” anytime you want the machine to go to that location.

Awesome. I’ll check that tomorrow afternoon.

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