Everything was great–then I had a re-boot and Everything suddenly turned upside down & flipped & home position changed-I can’t seem to get it back to the way it was. I went back and un-did the last update- but that didn’t fix it. Pretty frustrating, because I don’t know if it will magically fix itself while I am compensating for the error. I spent all of Christmas engraving ornaments and gifts upside down and turned around! I don’t know if my laser is reading my mental state…or if it’s a technical issue! Ideas???/ thanks all!
Is this for the Falcon 2 in your profile? If so, go to Edit->Device Settings and make sure that the Origin value is set to bottom-left position. If not, change it.
Alternatively, go to File->Prefs->Load Prefs Backup. Then select a backup from before the reboot.
What is the outcome?
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