Exhaust Fan is always off


I am new to Laser engraving and cutting.
I have bought a kentoktool LE 400 Pro Laser, which most likely has GRLB controller.
Unfortunately, when engraving oder cutting something ot does not turn on the exhaust fan at all.

I added a small external fan at the side of my engraving place to get rid of the exhaust, but I feel it should be doing better once the internal exhaust fan would work well.

So my question is, if I forgot to set a setting or if I need to do something in order to turn on the exhaust fan.
It was a brand new Laser so I doubt the exhaust fan is broken.

Regard Max from Germany

Can you please link to the item? I’m not having much luck on google.


Here is the link to the German Amazon page
It seems it is even not available anymore.


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I am very sorry, for bothering you all.
I just found out that the issue is not related to any software settings or so.
There was a broken cable on the fan. :frowning:
After repairing this, everything is fine now.

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Amazon has a good return policy, if I were you I’d return it.

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