Failing to install in Linux Mint

I do super appreciate your taking time out to help. It’s still not working.

Can you elaborate on this? What actually happens? Screenshots may be helpful.

This is what it’s been doing from the beginning, and I have tried all three versions of GRBL. I even have a windows version of LB running in Wine, it’s still the same issue.

Can you confirm you’re logged in as user “enterprise-e”? Is there possibly something else connecting to the serial port?

From a terminal try this:

sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Does that connect you to the laser? Return output.

There is only the USB going from the laser cutter, another for the wifi stick, another for a mouse and another for the keyboard. Nothing else is connected.

Wait a minute, have you relogged into Mint since applying the new group permissions? If not, can you please logout and relogin or reboot?

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WOW! I rebooted, it’s now seeing the laser, did a simple test run, it’s doing it’s thing! You are brilliant!

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