Would it be possible to add a feature to be able to have shapes (circles) that the machine will mat travel over?
Been cutting a lot of 1/8 Baltic for a client and I need to use magnets to keep it flat.
Would be nice to engrave a couple circles. Place my magnets. Then turn those circles into no travel zones so my nozzle does not contact the magnets.
I am using American photonics lenses and nozzles so they are relatively low to the cutting surface. The best magnets that I have found are the perfect height but the hook on the back of them will contact the nozzle. I can’t remove the hooks as they are the only way I can pick the magnets back up with a pair of pliers.
Ruida controllers do not allow sending more than one non-cutting move in a row, so this is simply not possible on that hardware.
Edit: Actually I’ve just verified this to be sure, and it seems it actually does allow this. It’s been requested before, so I’ll think about if / how we might go about this. There is some additional complexity involved, but it might be possible.
Im not a programmer by any means. I just wanted to be clear that the engrave the circles and the actually cutting/ engraving work can be separate commands sent from the computer just by turning layers on and off in the same file. Im not sure if what you mentioned was trying to do it all at once or if it’s how it needs to be programmed.