Hallo, bin ziemlich neu im Lasergeschäft, habe aber schon einiges geschaffen. Nun habe ich zur Steuerung einen ausrangierten MacBook Pro Mitte 2014 angeschlossen. Allerdings gibt es Probleme mit der Fensterverwaltung und Anzeige .
Hello, I’m fairly new to the laser business, but I’ve already created quite a few things. I’ve now connected a discarded MacBook Pro from mid-2014 to control it. However, there are problems with window management and display.
Wie im Bild zu sehen, sind Elemente übereinander und die Layerleiste ist jedes Mal mit Doppelklick auf die Titelleiste hervor zu holen. Auf meinem uralten MacBook Pro aus 2009 und meinem aktuellen MacBook Air gibt es das Problem nicht. Auch die App Magnet kann das Problem nicht lösen.
As you can see in the picture, elements are on top of each other and the layer bar can be brought out by double-clicking on the title bar. This problem does not occur on my ancient MacBook Pro from 2009 and my current MacBook Air. The Magnet app cannot solve the problem either.
Lightburn doesn’t really like not running in full screen mode , or pull the window at least out to max size. Try to see if it solves your problem. Besides that, under “Windows” you can reset to default layout.
No, I have read here in the forum that others with other OSs also struggle with that problem once in a while and I myself have seen something similar on my Linux laser computer.
If I manually minimize the active LB window by a few percent and turn off the program and start again, I have sometimes experienced “disorder” in my LB windows from the left side, they can float over the entire width of the screen. Typically I reset the window layout and adjust my choice of tools to my liking.