Fiber Laser not seen, driver install fail

I have a JPT 50W fiber and tried setting it up with the new lightburn. Driver says it installs, but no device shows up under USB. Still see the BJJCZ device with Laser Mark Control Board v4 under it. Tried uninstalling that and reinstalling the lightburn driver, but get the same resualts. Any suggestions?

You could try the Zadig-based driver swap.

You can also first try uninstalling the JCZ driver first, then install the LightBurn driver. Some systems are a bit fuzzy this way.

the lightburn installer reports: BJJCZ USBDevice successfully installed, is that what it is supposed to say?

When your laser is plugged in, does it show up as a BJJCZ device, or the USBLMCV2 one?

When it’s ready for LightBurn, it should show up in the Device Manager down here:

Not near the top as a BJJCZ device.

Well, it did show up as BJJCZ device, but I just got it to load the right driver. lightburn detects it now.

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