File conversion lbrn to pdf

I know the answer is out there. if someone would be nice enough to point me in the right direction. taking a lbrn file and converting to pdf

The easiest way I know of is to print to a PDF printer. On Windows it would be either the Microsoft one or one provided by a third party such as CutePDF. I notice youā€™re on a Mac so I canā€™t give specific instructions but I expect MacOS has something similar.

Hope this helps.


Marcus - wow! I think that answered my question. I forgot all about that function.
It seems too simple. Scanning apps that convert files and boom there it is on print function

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No problem, Iā€™m pleased to assist. If you wouldnā€™t mind marking my answer as the solution it can help others in the future.

Love to, but how do I do it?

You should see a checkbox below each of the replies. IIRC you just check the box under whichever reply answers your question. I think itā€™s only visible to the original poster.


I think I did it, if not - please let me know

It doesnā€™t look like it. Thereā€™s a ā€˜Likeā€™ (thank you!) but no ā€˜Solutionā€™. Can you see a checkbox (but unchecked) like this?

I donā€™t believe ā€œSolutionā€ is an option for the Finished Creations category.

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Thatā€™s the problem with people taking random categories when posting, I supposeā€¦

Good point, I hadnā€™t noticed which category it had been posted in.