File for an L-shaped ruler - SVG?

Probably an odd topic? but I got this file back when I had a glowforge that was a nice L shaped ruler, about 17x 10 on the outside, about 16.5x8 on the inside…

I’m finding myself needing a larger one! Does anyone know of such a file that can be engraved and cut on a CO2? I’ve recently started doing a little butchery (cutting steaks mostly) and a nice long “square” rule like this could come in handy to pre-mark the line I want to cut (score with knife tip…)
See - told you, odd topic for lasers! :slight_smile:

I have a 12" ruler I designed a bit ago. You could edit the file to your needs.

12 Inch ruler.lbrn2 (67.7 KB)

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thanks - if I had the ability or the confidence to do so I would edit the svg that I have… just no. my brain won’t let me do that.

What exactly do you want? I’ll edit it on my weekend and upload it

that would be great of you!
do you think something with 22 or 23" x 15 or 16 on the outside measurement would work? I think this lbrn file has the SVG I used before, if that helps
Ruler L-shape.lbrn (766.0 KB)

Check if this site helps

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This is what I have so far. I’ll finish it up in the next few days.

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Is this what you’re after?
Ruler L-shape Larger.lbrn (1.2 MB)

Found the Sewing section absolutely fascinating!

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I thought you were talking about this post :rofl:


Sorry :sweat_smile: i was going through the trending topics on the forum to see if I could learn something and came across this one. The website shared by @parsec has some insane scales I have never seen before so got carried away :joy:

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Thank you. I should have time to check that out on saturday!

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