Files won't load to laser

I’ve can’t seem to load a cut file to my laser. A while back the usb connection stopped working so I read the instructions here and started using the ether net cable. It worked fine for a while and then it was getting harder to load the file. Some times it would load and sometimes it would fail. I started running the laser from the lightburn program and that was fine for a bit. Started doing the same, some successes and some failures. I didn’t use the laser for a couple of weeks and when I tried to use it I got nothing. First message is “failure to transfer” and then " laser is busy or paused".
I tried changing computers and got the same results. I tried loading a file on a usb drive and sending it that way but nothing. The drive is fat32 and the file name is short with a .rd extension. I had a file in the laser memory and it ran fine. I just updated lightburn so everything is up to date.
I have a 60watt 750 clone with a ruida controller. I don’t know the model of ruida controller that I have. Here’s a picture of it. I hope I’ve given enough info so that someone can help me out. Let me know what other info I can give. Thanks[ruida|690x326].(upload://pVInjQAUR0DZeRsjiPbep7umpHN.jpeg)

Is your controller full of files and time to delete some?

No. I only have the one from the last job I ran.

Windows, Mac, other?
What version of Lightburn?

Windows 10 and latest version of lightburn although I was using the last version of lightburn until I updated this morning. Retried all with new version.

With nothing else left to try I reloaded windows on my computer and then LightBurn too. I also bought a new USB cable. After getting all the proper updates I connected to m laser and did the LightBurn setup. Everything is working now. I suspect the driver got corrupted somehow and that that was the problem. Thanks.

Thank you for the update and very glad to hear you are sorted. :slight_smile:

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