"Fill all shapes at once" not working after update

I have a small problem, in the last 2 versions of the program, the “fill all shapes at once” option does not work for me, even old projects I have to merge into one group to engrave in one pass. I rolled back to version 1.2.01 and everything is back to normal.

I had this issue too, you have to delete the “order by group” option in the cut optimization window.


Thank you,
But this is a workaround, not a solution. The “Fill all shapes at once” option should be given priority when filling shapes, now every project I have to group or disable the “order by group” option, or go back to the older version of the program (which I really don’t like to do).

I updated to the latest version (1.2.04) and am having this exact same issue.

Are you cutting pieces out of material later in the job?
Does “Cut inner shapes” do the fill operations first?

I’d like to test this against the Beta version to see what it does.
Are you interested and willing to share the File here?

In both cases, it is the same when filling as well as when cutting and filling. Yes, I can share a file, even several. I turned off the “Order by group” option in “Optimize cut path” and it engraves in full, unfortunately when I restore it, it breaks down again. I can also record a screenshot of all this and upload it to Youtube.

To Gabriele.lbrn2 (326.5 KB)
Turtles Happy 1st Anniversary Saoirsh xx.lbrn2 (412.8 KB)

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Unfortunately, in the new version (1.3.00) the problem persists, at least for me, on 2 computers.
Thank you.

I’m seeing what you’re seeing.
I’m somewhat stumped.
I’ve asked the team for clarification on this.

The optimization ordering settings were always supposed to override the fill settings, not the other way around. Most users when changing the optimizations to use “Order by Group” first didn’t understand why fills didn’t group that way.

The new system uses the “Order by” settings to partition the sections of the job being sent to the other systems (like filling, path optimization, etc), and it was always intended to work this way.

So, unfortunately for you, this is not a problem, but is by design. The file you show in the video is entirely one layer, so why is just removing “Order by Group” for that one file (or others like it) not an option for you?

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Thank you for your response.
It’s not a big problem for me, I do as you said, I only noticed differences in the behavior of these functions, for me it was more comfortable as before and I didn’t know if it was a bug or intended action.
Thanks again and best regards.

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