I (noob) have a file that has fill in the text and an image. It started having issues with some of the text not filling, but just drawing a few lines spaced apart where the filled letters would go. The lettering was created in LB. I managed to fix it by deleting and reentering the lettering. Now it started doing it on the image. It worked for a few times, then started the issue after making an adjustment to a completely different layer.
I went back to an earlier version of the file, but now the preview shows the image correct but another one of the text layers is showing the weird lines instead of the fill it did before.
I’m using the Mac latest version 1.2.01. I’m attaching the LB file & 2 saved images from the Preview. Thanks! 49x Hwy 46 Drink Token CutOut.lbrn2 (1.9 MB)
The ‘Fill’ layers are doing exactly what you have asked them to do. As Fred points out, you have the DPI or Line Interval for each fill layer set differently. At the size of these shape, the interval is such that the filling has large gaps. If you play with a single shape set to fill, you will see how changes to the interval will adjust how this fills when using Preview.