(Technical Evangelist)
May 16, 2021, 9:09pm
You may have not noticed, but there is a search bar on every page of this forum that can help find answers. We also produce a section of the forum for the most common and frequently asked questions titled ‘FAQ’s’.
Here is the FAQ for “Traversal Moves” which is what you are seeing.
If you have a GRBL device, and your laser is still on when moving between shapes, like this:
It most likely means you are using GRBL 1.1f or later, but do not have the controller in Laser Mode. Fix this by typing $32=1 in the Console window and pressing enter
If you have a Ruida or other DSP controller and are seeing this happen, it is most likely a dying high-voltage power supply unit (PSU). The drive circuit that turns the laser power off and on tends to go first, before the part …
And another with additional information:
To help you find answers to your inquiries in the fastest possible way, try the search tool found at the top-right of every page on the forum first. Many of the topics have been covered in detail previously, but the search team may be the challenge here. The burning you are seeing are known as “traversal lines”. Bunch of posts on the subject including our FAQ.
I made a post about this just yesterday that should help. Have a read and please update as to how you get on.