Overview: The same Line settings that run fine when run first or on its own, fail if run as part of a Fill + Line layer if the Fill power is over 25%. They will also fail if run as a separate layer to a Fill if run after the Fill layer. This isn’t consistent across all project files, but is consistent on the ones where it occurs.
Laser: AP Lazer SN4024 100 Watt
Lightburn ver 1.1.03
I had posted on this a couple of years ago with the answer seeming to be that the minimum power for the Line settings was too low. Seeing this issue again on certain artwork and the Line power settings don’t seem to be the cause. We are using the Line setting not to cut but to outline the Fill layer on wood so the power is relatively low but is high enough to fire the laser except as described below.
Consistently on certain files, when a Line layer runs after the Fill, for the first inch to three inches the laser won’t fire. It will trace over the engraving but only starts firing after traveling some distance. Once it starts firing it continues on fine.
I’ve tracked it down to being related to the power that the fill ran at.
If the Fill runs over 25% max/min power, the Line layer will show the issue.
If I change only the Fill power down to 25% max/min the Line runs fine. The higher the Fill power the longer before the laser will start firing on the Line layer.
I have the same issue if I send the file to the laser as two layers (one Fill and one Line). If I switch to have the Line layer run before the Fill with no other changes the Line runs fine.
If I run the Line layer alone it runs fine. It is only when a Line layer tries to run immediately after a Fill over a certain power level that I’m seeing the issue.
Is this a case of our Laser not being able to modulate power changes fast enough or is this somehow software related?
The attached picture is a test I did on paper instead of bamboo to make it easier to see what’s happening.