Fill settings not actually filling

I’ve had my fiber laser and used it quite a bit with lightburn for the past year or so, so I’m pretty familiar with it, but I’m not sure what my issue is here. When I try to run this file in fill mode on a Pmag

I get this result

And, this is what I get when I preview in lightburn

I’ve tried everything I can think to try. I’ve ungrouped the file and selected a small section that I can see is definitely a closed shape, put it on its own layer set to fill, and it produces the same outline result.

Heres a screenshot of the layer settings

Am I overlooking something?

Do you have it duplicated by chance? 2 copies on top of each other?


If this preview has led to the result, I am confused…

I recommend turning on “Filled Rendering” in the settings:

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I just checked, it’s not duplicated. Not sure why it was showing blue there, I just turned the laser back on and it shows the black layer now, same result though.

I turned on filled rendering, this is what I see. Same result.

I guess I’m stupid, but it looks like you’re getting what you asked for… Someone needs to spell out what the issue is.


What I’m trying to accomplish, and what the preview shows should be accomplished, is for the shapes in the design to be filled in. What its actually doing, is just tracing a line around the perimeter of the shapes.

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Can you post the lightburn file?

Like this?
ak viking.lbrn2 (613.2 KB)

Your file runs fine here. I just changed the SPD/Pwr to burn on scrap. It also runs fine with your settings. It just doesn’t burn enough for a picture.

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Thank you for confirming, @micrololin !

@Drewstrob Can you send another screenshot of the preview and the resulting engraving?

I’m Still not sure what the issue is/was, but I loaded this file on a different computer, and it ran as expected. I tried restarting the original PC, no joy. I’m thinking I’ll uninstall/reinstall lightburn on that pc.

Perhaps copying the settings from the “working” PC will even things out:

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