I have tried several things to figure out why the tilting is happening. I have tried line first then fill and the fill and then line. I started a new project and traced a jpg using the built-in trace function. I have tried printing upside down and on it’s side. I am always getting tilt on the fill towards the right. No matter what direction I send to the machine. I am running a stock CR-Laser Falcon Engraver 10W. I am saving the gcode to the tf card.
So, squares are working great. No issues there. It seems to be on larger burns and specifically this Lisa design, even though I started from scratch twice and retraced it.
Were these rectangles run with the same parameters as the Lisa design?
In the Lisa design, are you able to determine if it’s the engraving that’s “off” or the cut that’s misaligned? I had assumed it was the engraving but I’m reconsidering that.
Somewhere along the path it seems you’re losing steps but it’s not apparent to me where.
I also tried a random drawing with curvy lines and it was aligned as well. I did use the same parameters as the Lisa design.
On the Lisa one I am not sure which is off, I tried it both ways, line first and then fill as well as fill then line. Also, printed upside down and on it’s side, all of which went off to the right as it went to the top of the run.
I will have to add a reference the next Lisa run, so I can tell if it is the line or the fill.