Hello folks,
Can anyone provide me with the firmware for the Atomstack A24 Pro? I accidentally installed the wrong firmware and now the machine is in constant alarm. The support doesn’t want to help me (and I can’t find it anywhere to download), since I can’t prove a purchase, I bought it used and barely used…
Maybe try the Facebook Atomstack groups. The amount of Atomstack users will be higher there, so you might get a faster response.
Thanks for that advice!
If you cant find the firmware you could just replace the whole control module from Ali express. Only $25.00
Good to know, really helpful! Thank you very much!
I found this: https://h5.clewm.net/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fqr71.cn%2FoIsRvn%2FqB0XagO
You get to the page from https://h5.clewm.net/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fqr71.cn%2FoIsRvn%2FqodW6yZ following “Product support” link on https://atomstack.com/pages/atomstack-studio-software