First install for new machine

After I got my red/black 80W with the Top Wisdom Tl 410c controller I have been occupied with other more important things the last 4 months. I was also hoping lightburn would by now officially supporting this controller. ( No complains, I know it’s a lot of work)

Here my question:
Should I still install the Chinese Software (Auto Laser) that came with the machine?

Typical reviews are pretty terrible and I am not looking forward to install and work with it. The documentation talks about Win7 and Coreldraw up to X7 environment. I am running Win10 and CD 2019. So I don’t even know if the install could be successful.

On the other hand I could already go for Lightburn instead, knowing not all functionally ( I am looking forward to) is implemented yet as it is still in beta mode.

Is lightburn at this point stable enough if connected to a top wisdom to do the install and connection and start just with the basic functions?

I have to learn much about the machine and the software, doing calibrations and probably some mods/ upgrades and would need time for it. Perhaps by then the software has cought up and is out if Beta.

When asked last November I was told as a Newbie not to go this route as I wouldn’t recognize bugs to know they come from lightburn or have other reasons. I respected that. Would this different now 4 months later?

I hope for some guidance.

The TopWisdom work continues. The current public release is working, but we have identified and corrected a few things along with continuing to add functionally in the next release. We are currently testing this candidate internally and look to release this next version soon-ish.

I suggest you can try the current support provided by using our 30-day trial version. This will get you going with the new version right around the corner. We can extend this trial if needed as well.

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The next release, due shortly, has the known bugs for TopWisdom fixed, and adds a bunch of functionality. We’re still working on adding rotary and machine settings, and there are likely a couple other holes in functionality, but those should be addressed relatively soon. I think as of the next release we’ll be calling TopWisdom support ‘official’.


Great news. :smiley:
I will install the current version to get me started. With the next release I will buy my license.
Thanks for the great work!

LB ist installed on my laptop. The program found my Top WIsdom without any Problems.
Now I have to figure out the rest to get it going!

Thanks everyone

how do you set your speed in Light burn as I have to set the speed in Lightburn 6000 to get 100mm speed on the controller and 12000 for a speed of 200mm

Those numbers are off by a factor of 60, which tells me you are set to mm/minute, not mm/sec. Go to Edit > Settings, and in the middle here, change the units to mm/sec: